*Currently available with a Runkeeper Go subscription. For Android, see this article.
Training for your very first 5K, or your third marathon? Regardless of your training goals, we can help you customize a plan that's tailored to meet your fitness needs. Keep reading to learn how!
Getting Started
To get started with a Personalized Race Training Plan, head over to the Training tab. From here, select the "Train for a Race" option, and then input the distance you want to train for. This will prompt you to a screen where you can "Get Started."
Race Date & Time
Upon selecting your training plan distance, you'll be asked to select the date of your race and your time goal. You won't be able to adjust the end date of your plan once you've set it up. If you need to change the date, you'll have to end your current plan and create a new one - sorry about that!
Running History
To accurately create a plan according to your ability, share with us your longest recent run (better to under-estimate than to over-estimate!)
If you ran a marathon, tell us how long it took; again, better to under-estimate if you don't have that data on hand!
Decide When You Want to Train
Choose how far you run weekly already, and then the days you'd like to run as part of this plan. With all this information, we'll build your plan using all the information you've given us!
Rescheduling Your Training Plan Workouts
Don't want your long runs to be on Sunday? Feeling sick and need to push back your Wednesday workout? No worries! You can reschedule the current week's workouts individually by tapping on the blue pen and paper icon on the right of the workout cell.
Once you've selected the day and time you'd like to do that workout, just select Done and your workout will be rescheduled.
*Please note, you can only be enrolled in one training plan at a time!
Got more questions? Contact our support team at support@runkeeper.com!
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