Below are some factors that might be affecting the battery health of your Apple Watch:
Cold temperatures:
- Cold temperatures can affect the device's ability to perform normally, especially if the battery is low on charge.
Battery health:
- If battery health is below 80%, you may be finding that your device will turn off activity, especially while tracking in colder temperatures.
- You can check your Apple Watch's battery level following these instructions.
- Check out Apple's acceptable operating temperatures for Apple Watch to learn more information about this based on your climate.
If you are experiencing some of these negative impacts while tracking with your Apple Watch, here are some things you can try before your next trip:
Ensure your device has a good charge before tracking.
Turn on low power mode (only go this route if you have previously had issues with the device shutting itself down) — this will conserve energy for apps that you are actively using.
Keep the watch covered by a sleeve to allow your body heat to keep the device at/above its best operating temperatures.
Note: If you are covering your watch with your sleeve, turning on Apple Watch water lock feature will help prevent sleeves from interfering with your tracking.
Try to keep the number of apps running at once to a minimum while working out. Streaming music or using multiple workout apps will certainly force the device to consume more power.
Check out Apple's tips for maximizing your battery lifespan and performance.
If you do not see success with these tips, it might be time to replace your device battery.
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